Saturday, March 1, 2014

Don't always believe your eyes

We look at everything in our lives and (most of the time) expect those things to be real. But what if people began to create images/objects and even buildings that weren't actually there or even real. When I looked at the following images, for many I thought, "I would think that was a real place" with only a few crossing the line into the surreal world for me.

Now I don't know about you but these images look pretty realistic to me and I have a tendency of being overly critical about certain topics and matters. I'm always saying, "No I don't believe that," or, "That. Is. Fake." It's not that I lack a creative imagination, or have an overly analytical simply means that I pay attention to detail (even though sometimes to my disadvantage).

I have been teaching myself how to further my skills in Photoshop so I can create illusions or surreal images but I find myself struggling at the 3D imaging stage. How on earth am I supposed to create a 3D image from scratch?! I have so much respect for these people who can create such beautiful pictures of places and people that don't even exist. But it also makes me sad for sometimes you are presented with such a beautiful looking beach or resort, and you think, 'I want to go there next for holiday' - so you go to travel agents such as Kuoni or whatever you happen to use, search various parts of the world and find that there is no such place in the world. It's what happened to me once I saw a picture of a resort in Bali that looked so blissful and idyllic yet the only problem was that the person who created the picture had taken an image of a mediocre resort, photoshopped it into what he believed to be the perfect resort. 

These ones bordered on surreal/fake for me though,


This type of work is apparently called '3D Rendering' where people used 3D software to create architectural designs of places around the world. Now all I need is someone to very slowly explain how they do this to me for it would probably take me a decade to learn myself. 

Also, apparently every single picture takes around 2 WEEKS to create. The site I took this from,, had 29 of these images so that is around 58 weeks of work, or 406 days or 1.1 years. A very long time when you look at it that way, and to think that when you're simply scrolling down the page, you can so easily skip past an image that took so long to create. 

There are more images on the mashable site but that would probably be saved for another post, also some of those images include surreal figures within very realistic surroundings - so they are only slightly different to these. 

Photo 1 - Marc Gruber-Laux
Photo 2 - Tolgahan Gungor
Photo 3 - Gilvan Isbiro 
Photo 4 - Juan Altieri 
Photo 5 - Studio Aiko

(Talking about Studio Aiko, if I were to design a house or apartment from scratch I would definitely get them to do it for me - go to their site and to the portfolio tab and click 'architecture' and you will know why I like them so much)

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