Saturday, March 22, 2014

Personalised Questionnaire For You

1. What first springs to mind when someone mentions the word, "art"?  
A. Paintings, that sort of thing...
B. Sculptures
C. Amateur artists standing around a fruit bowl and discussing its various qualities
D. Money
E. None of the above

2. What first springs to mind when someone mentions the word, "technology"?
A. Computers, cameras, gadgets, the lot.
B. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and other considered 'tech' billionaires
C. Impossibly hard to figure out software that you recently installed into your computer
D. Apple, Google...
E. None of the above

3. Cost of the most expensive painting ever sold?
A. $258,000,000
B. $300,527,000
C. $140,000,000
D. $136,000,000
E. $98,456,907

4. Cost of the most expensive computer? (note: don't think only of the thin laptops you use)
A. $15,000,000
B. $9,000,000
C. $890,580
D. $250,000
E. $103,222

5. Why am I asking you these questions?
A. To avoid writing yet another blog in the bog standard format
B. Make you think?
C. I just like putting this all together when suffering from a bad cold
D. Both A and B
E. None of the above, I'm just being random

Answers (not incl. 1 & 2): 3A (The Card Players by Paul Cézanne) , 4A (NASA Quantum computer), 5D.

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