Friday, March 14, 2014

I Love the Serpentine

The (new) Serpentine Sackler Gallery (along with the old/original one) in Hyde Park has to be one of the most eclectic, and unique galleries that I have ever seen. Almost hidden away inside one of my most favorite parks in London, Hyde Park, the gallery never ceases to amaze me every single year. It is one of those galleries that deserves the attention it receives, it deserves the patrons and donors that contribute their time and effort into the gallery being what it is today. I remember attending a viewing of their very 'earthy' exhibition by the artist Adrián Villar Rojas, smelling the earth, the soil, the mould that encompassed the overall feeling that one felt as he or she stood in that one red brick room. One must also not forget the absolutely astonishing parties they throw annually during the summer, I mean if you want to know what a real 'London Summer Party' is - then the Serpentine Gallery provides exactly that. It is most memorable in my mind when 2 summers ago, I first heard about the singer Iggy Azalea when she performed during that one night.


To the left of the bridge is the older, original Serpentine Gallery that holds so many memories thus far and to the right is the new Serpentine Sackler Gallery (designed by Zaha Hadid) that is as equally beautiful.

When you have time and if you are in London and if you also happen to be around Knightsbridge, Kensington or be it wherever you are just walk by and take a look. It's worth it.

Every year, the Serpentine does these amazing exhibitions that aren't simply those, "oh look a massive painting with a black dot in the middle...oh my god...that is...that is amazing..." or those, "I can really see what the artist was trying to do when he decided to place the chair upside down and balance an apple [a Fiji apple to be specific] on top of it" No. That is not what the Serpentine does.

The Observer said it was, "The most beautiful gallery in London" and that says something given it isn't one of those mediocre papers that finds delight in writing about people who like to spend the majority of their day getting hair extensions.

(this was last years statement) - every year they introduce a new foreign architect who builds a 'statement' as I like to call them, of which needs to be finished by the time of the Summer Party.

I get it if you're not even remotely interested in the arts or the art world but simply the look of it all is amusing to say the least. 


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