Friday, March 28, 2014

Has technology changes us as a people?

If someone were to ask you if technology has changed you as a person from the moment you began to use it to the current day, what would you say? That it has, or has not?

Now we all know about the site called where people can add in their say on various forums, and debates that they may find interesting.

Well...has technology changed us as a people? Has it made us more narcissistic? More conscious? More anxious as we are so easily notified about the horrors that continue to occur in the world every single day?

90% said YES. 10% said NO.

Note: all below quotes are submitted anonymously. 


"It has made us rely on off-storage memory. For older folks -- remember how you'd memorize phone numbers before cell phones? Now it's the same thing with everything, Google being the cell-phone analogy. We're offloading memory storage and memory filtering off the cloud, be it Google, Bing or whatever. Doesn't make us dumber, but reliable on instant internet access. Kind of scary."


"No I think we have just become more of what we are and have always been and generally will always be. Humans are inquisitive by nature and our inquisitiveness has led us to the brink of destruction. We want to know absolutely everything but unfortunately we don't want to use our knowledge to create a better world, life, or existence first. Mankind's imaginations are continually evil. Technology is great when it is used to promote unity, goodness, health and safety." 

(I must say I am left slightly confused by the person who argued NO's argument)

We use technology in schools now, we use it in our art, science, math and history classrooms. Where do we not use it now? In the shower? I mean seriously...


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