Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Woman Finds Her Voice

I can see. I can speak. I can walk and run. 

Think of one essential habit that you are able to control, to experience, or to understand. Then think of what it may be like should you be rid of that essential part of your life. Say you are an artist, and you use your fingers as a way to paint your artwork or a songwriter yet are unable sing your own songs. How would you react in that initial moment of shock? Would you regret not having dashed to the easel and painted that magnificent image you saw in your head yet kept postponing the idea simply because you were either too preoccupied or were concerned about more significant tasks at the time? 

Branching off of this thought is my discovery of a nonverbal 28 year old woman who has finally figured out a way to get her voice back. But how, one might ask. The iPad. 

Dixon, 28, has struggled with a multitude of health issues throughout her life and had no way to express her feelings or needs until her parents and therapists endlessly strived to teach her to read and eventually type one letter at a time when she was six years old. Now, Dixon has published a book of poems and paintings entitled, "Under the Silence is Me - How It Feels to be Nonverbal."

Dixon can now communicate, and write her poetry freely through the use of her iPad, something she was unable to do so beforehand. I thought this was amazing for imagine loving something so much, and finally being given the ability to fulfil that love of yours. To me it is Dixon's strength and perseverance that has brought her to where she is today. I take stories like these for I hold such a great respect for really young individuals who are able to surprise others through their achievements. And like I said in one of my previous posts...Give Respect where it is due.

:) L.


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