Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is T.I.A.?

It is not as obscure as it may (or may not) seem for T.I.A. simply means Technology In Art and I do know that thousands of people have and will continue to create blogs that are dedicated to looking into the world of technology in art BUT I plan to go further and deeper.

All my life I have travelled to different parts of the world where I saw how they all took their own personal twists to the same (or different) types of art. Currently based in London, it is obviously a huge benefit to live in a city that is in abundance of markets, shops, and even roads dedicated to expressing art. I am not going to just write posts with fanciful text and images, however if I find a video, gif, short clip or whatever happens to cross my path, I will post it. I will post anything that I think not only appears interesting to me but potentially to many other people. 

So don't forget about T.I.A. for she will and basically already is in every part of your life already. 


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