Friday, February 21, 2014

Silk: Compart

Compart is not a ridiculous word that I have found whilst sitting in my chair at 7:15 whilst habitually drinking my Vanilio coffee. It is in fact two words merged together: computer + art.

Drawing is my game, as informal as that may sound, it really is - more so than painting (to my disappointment). Even though, I have had my successful results when it comes to painting (after months  of working on the piece) drawing comes with an easier flow to me. This is where I was going through the Internet and decided to type something in such as "Interactive Art." What did I find? Weavesilk.

Up above is a snapshot I have taken of a portion of the site Weavesilk, that enables you to create unique pieces of art simply through the use of your mouse. The creations people have created are truly creative, with a majority resorting to creating images of their favorite silver-screen action heroes (just search 'weavesilk' and you will see what I mean). Now, to give you a taste of what can be done with this website, I have a couple links for you:

Both of these links show people creating their own designs, something I thought would be helpful for someone who simply wanted to see what it was all about before actually venturing to the site. 

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