Monday, February 24, 2014

Lets Get Interactive :)

As tired as I may be, suffering from a serious bout of jet-lag with the 5 hour time difference that I happen to be left with following an intense trip to Cuba, I have come across something interesting.

This is a video by dandypunk, with 114,718 views, I am clearly not the only person to have come across this video. He calls it 'projection mapping [through] live performance art.' Watch the video now. Every single part of the video that is not the actual performer does not exist (besides the room he is in), the rest are artificial additions created through (I think) a complicated type of technology.

Now look at this next video that is, too, a use of projection mapping in order to promote The Tourist movie that starred Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp on the Joule Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

Projected at 1530 Main St Dallas, you know...the famous hotel that has the pool sticking out of the building? Look...

Recognise it? Anyways, the purpose of the projection was to show the actual trailer of the movie along with a series of animation sequences and interactive applications. It was a free event which meant that everybody was able to see the spectacle, and it also served to be an excellent advertisement of the movie that must have drove the PR machine crazy. It apparently set off on November 30, 2010 and attracted a large number of viewers. I remember watching that movie...but I don't actually remember what it was about? Can anyone tell me? Ha...

Never before have I seen this done in order to promote a movie (and I'm surprised more hotels haven't followed suit?!) and I looove the Joule Hotel as well (for its endorsement in art) as I have never actually been to Dallas let alone Texas. However if one is planning on booking a trip to the States and happens to be looking for a hotel to stay at and is now thinking of staying at the Joule, well, here is its website:


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