Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let's Go Very Very Slow (cue the Chariots of Fire song)

I would not want to be the boxer in the first photo...Anyways, recently I found myself looking through the Internet, searching for some article or nonsense that would simply keep me busy. Every now and then I would notice these remarkable photos that depicted these extremely high definition slow motion shots. This made me think...people are turning these ridiculous, funny, intriguing, and/or creative images into art and then begged the though, would I go into a gallery and pay for one? Yes, yes I would.

I love so many things, so many different types and forms of art, film and literature - I could simply go on forever (but we would get bored of that, wouldn't we?). This is a new addition to my extending list of loves and adorations - high speed imagery.

Since we are talking about it, I thought it appropriate to include a nice little video (or two...:D).

It's funny when you click play on the video, all of a sudden this incredibly intense music comes up called 'Delerium by Silence' so if you were really wondering what the music was, well there you go. Onwards, it's 5 minute 11 second video of what I believe to be a compilation of some really interesting stuff (stuff because I can't think of the right word for now...). It's an art form - actually call it whatever you like, whatever flows through the head more easily, what matters is simply giving it a slice of your attention (I just realised I wrote 'slice' instead of 'piece' because I just ate a slice of courgette quiche and mixed it into my wording - I do that all the time...)

Because we all love looking at images (at least I do for I'm both a very visual and literary person) let's look at a few others that caught my eye.

The animal slow motion photographs are actually taken by a photographer called Carli Davidson who is a pet photographer. I must give her credit for as I much as I love her, my cat Lolita, somehow knows when you want to take a picture of her and makes a point of not only 1) not looking at the camera but also, 2) deciding that she's hungry again and must walk away. 

The great thing about slow-motion (and I'll elaborate more on slow-motion in another post) is that it is not a single 2D/3D shot that after a single glance you know what is there. In a slow-motion shot, I at least have to look 1, 2, maybe even 3 times just to see that I haven't missed anything. The way the skin moves when we shake our heads, something that none of us see because it is an occurrence that just happens too quickly. It's a shame really that our eyes can't go into a super-fast or super-slow mode so that we can see what we're missing. But that is another one of the joys of life that we simply have to thank cameras and technology for then, don't we?

Well before you go onto the next blog or switch off for the day pleasee look at this video: (pay attention to 4:30 for that is when the balloon actually bursts)...


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Loving the Art in Cuba

Hard to believe it's been 2 days since I came back, for it seems to me to have been so much longer. We all love art don't we? Well I do and that is why I have come to computer at 10% battery to discuss what I have just thought of.

Semi-isolated, and thought of as 'that' communist country, Cuba is immensely underrated and deserving of so much more.

So much of the graffiti is similar to the multi-million dollar artworks that are sold within Europe and beyond.

This photograph was taken by myself whilst riding on a carriage that was being driven by a donkey surprisingly enough. I don't believe that it is quite as visible here but I have used Adobe Photoshop CC to add a mosaic effect to the sky, along with enhancing the colors in the picture. Alsoo I have changed the color of the car from a dull blue to a luminescent green.

This is not my photograph but it looks very similar to some pictures that I have taken myself - I mean, I have seen that exact car. Anyways, in Old Havana which is beyond gorgeous you see so much of this art either spray painted or painted onto the houses, walls, fences, streets and so on. 

No it is not really a communist anymore, more so into the 'special' period or perestroika - however you look at it. But you must go there. It is beautiful, inspiring and for me, one big surprise. 

Before I log off here are some more pictures...

Sneaky note: I actually saw this factory and it is where they roll all the BEST cigars including 
#1 Cohiba 
#2 Montecristo
#3 Romeo y Julieta

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lets Get Interactive :)

As tired as I may be, suffering from a serious bout of jet-lag with the 5 hour time difference that I happen to be left with following an intense trip to Cuba, I have come across something interesting.

This is a video by dandypunk, with 114,718 views, I am clearly not the only person to have come across this video. He calls it 'projection mapping [through] live performance art.' Watch the video now. Every single part of the video that is not the actual performer does not exist (besides the room he is in), the rest are artificial additions created through (I think) a complicated type of technology.

Now look at this next video that is, too, a use of projection mapping in order to promote The Tourist movie that starred Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp on the Joule Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

Projected at 1530 Main St Dallas, you know...the famous hotel that has the pool sticking out of the building? Look...

Recognise it? Anyways, the purpose of the projection was to show the actual trailer of the movie along with a series of animation sequences and interactive applications. It was a free event which meant that everybody was able to see the spectacle, and it also served to be an excellent advertisement of the movie that must have drove the PR machine crazy. It apparently set off on November 30, 2010 and attracted a large number of viewers. I remember watching that movie...but I don't actually remember what it was about? Can anyone tell me? Ha...

Never before have I seen this done in order to promote a movie (and I'm surprised more hotels haven't followed suit?!) and I looove the Joule Hotel as well (for its endorsement in art) as I have never actually been to Dallas let alone Texas. However if one is planning on booking a trip to the States and happens to be looking for a hotel to stay at and is now thinking of staying at the Joule, well, here is its website:


Friday, February 21, 2014

Waves of RGB

RGB color models is a form of technological art whereby a the colors red, green, and blue are merged together so as to create a vast array of colors. There are many more complex explanations to the RGB color model that may suit one individual more than the next, but I simply want to put across the big picture.

The following pictures are a type of creative art called Fragments of RGB by onformative. What do we see? Well these are not actually separate pieces of work produced by the artist, they are actually part of one interactive installation. Onformative, who produced the creation posed the question, "what would happen if the image were to change as the viewer approached it? If the digital face suddenly became distorted?" Well what we can see is a number of answers to the same question. I thought it was quite beautiful and may apply to a series of different images, and not just one person or situation. 

Now begged the question of, 'how?' 

"The project experiments with illusion and perception on various levels. The classic LED screen as a medium was simulated and disintegrated by the creation of a pixel-like optic using simple projection rather than the entire image's being compromised of individual points of light." 

The video is on the link I have posted here if you may be interested in seeing how the interactive installation actually works:

What is Onformative? Who?
 Founded by Julia Laub and Cedric Kiefer in Berlin, Germany, Onformative is a "studio specialised in generative design solutions covering various types of media and topics." 

Now I am not the only person to have noticed this interesting type of art created through the various uses of technology and creative thought. Going as far back as 2008, Onformative has used their innovativeness in creating work for: Skype Visualisation (2011), Montblanc Generative Artwork (2011), Magic and Storytelling through a conference at a TED talk (2012), NikeFuel Station (2012), Adobe Ampersand (2012), and most recently the 4010 Facebook Tree (2013) and I'm sure the list will continue to grow. 

Now I hope this type of art may have interested you as it did myself and leaves you going in the right may simply leave thinking, 'yeah, that was nice' for I believe that any reaction is a good reaction. 


Silk: Compart

Compart is not a ridiculous word that I have found whilst sitting in my chair at 7:15 whilst habitually drinking my Vanilio coffee. It is in fact two words merged together: computer + art.

Drawing is my game, as informal as that may sound, it really is - more so than painting (to my disappointment). Even though, I have had my successful results when it comes to painting (after months  of working on the piece) drawing comes with an easier flow to me. This is where I was going through the Internet and decided to type something in such as "Interactive Art." What did I find? Weavesilk.

Up above is a snapshot I have taken of a portion of the site Weavesilk, that enables you to create unique pieces of art simply through the use of your mouse. The creations people have created are truly creative, with a majority resorting to creating images of their favorite silver-screen action heroes (just search 'weavesilk' and you will see what I mean). Now, to give you a taste of what can be done with this website, I have a couple links for you:

Both of these links show people creating their own designs, something I thought would be helpful for someone who simply wanted to see what it was all about before actually venturing to the site. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't Trust The Eyes

Ever heard of the phrases, don't trust your eyes or your eyes may deceive you? Well I don't know about you but I certainly have...but now you may be asking, why is she asking me this? Or, what is the point of all this...move on to the next blog...But no. Stay. What I am leading on to are optical illusions. Increasingly so I have stumbled upon various photos that will simply play tricks on my mind, and have me sit there minutes on end, staring blankly at the screen with no idea what I am supposed to be looking at! Take a look at this optical illusion....

Now because the image appears to be smaller than the original, I do not exactly know if you can see the full effect of this illusion, nonetheless it is known as White's Illusion. Before I say anything look at the image again, and come up with an idea of what the illusion is. Now the actual illusion is that the 2 shades of grey are exactly the same. But one shade of grey looks darker than the other one, right? Wrong. BUT the illusion I thought of originally had been that the rectangles were moving in and out? Now why do I feel like I am the only one thinking of that?

Here's another one...

What do you think is going on here? Nothing? Something? Anything? 
Well this one is called a Motion Illusion or as I like to call it The Wave. To me, and I don't know about you, it looks as if the blue/white circular balls are moving around in relaxed waves. When I look at this one image for more than 30 seconds with a bright computer screen I begin to the same wave in my own eyes. However, this could simply be down to the fact that it is currently 9:30PM and I'm having to wake up extraordinarily early for my trip to the airport in the morning! Shall we move on? I think so...

One more and that's it, I promise...and this one is my favorite.

I'm sorry but I simply cannot explain this optical illusion and how it is created. What do you see? A single magenta coloured ball disappearing every nano second, or an invisible ball being rolled around an invisible Roulette Wheel?

Now stare at the black cross in the center of the image, and eventually you will see that the ball turns to a luminous green color.  

All of these images/gifs have a very obvious similarity. They were created through the uses of technology. Yes, the creative mind was used in developing the idea that surround each illusion, however the actual end-result is thanks to the programmes involved in their actual creation. 


What is T.I.A.?

It is not as obscure as it may (or may not) seem for T.I.A. simply means Technology In Art and I do know that thousands of people have and will continue to create blogs that are dedicated to looking into the world of technology in art BUT I plan to go further and deeper.

All my life I have travelled to different parts of the world where I saw how they all took their own personal twists to the same (or different) types of art. Currently based in London, it is obviously a huge benefit to live in a city that is in abundance of markets, shops, and even roads dedicated to expressing art. I am not going to just write posts with fanciful text and images, however if I find a video, gif, short clip or whatever happens to cross my path, I will post it. I will post anything that I think not only appears interesting to me but potentially to many other people. 

So don't forget about T.I.A. for she will and basically already is in every part of your life already. 
