Friday, May 2, 2014

We Like To Pass (not waste) Time

As I have said so many a time before, art does not only involve a paintbrush and canvas. It is so much more. To me, I have come to think of the word 'art' as an extremely convoluted term that can branch off into a myriad of other terms/genres/groups etc.

Would you say the creation of a website is art? Well, why not? I think it is.

This is where my procrastination comes in...countless times I have found myself sitting on a dark cloud of dull, opaque and frustrating matters that are endlessly time consuming. And in such protracted moments, my inclination to procrastinate is almost inevitable.

What is procrastination? Is it you sitting there, looking at one website then finding yourself clicking on another website followed by another and boom you have a multitude of tabs open and you find yourself thinking, 'wait it's 8:30PM...and my dissertation is due first thing in the morning of which I have barely finished...hmmm...oh well let's continue procrastinating.'

This is exactly what I am doing at this very moment in time. Procrastinating.

I read an article on that displayed a list of other websites to aid in my efforts to procrastinate.


Want to sit at work and appear as if you are toiling over some tediously laborious project? 
Well this may be the site for you (or your secret enjoyment of simply going awol on your keyboard for the joy of it).


This site takes you to other websites. It's almost like the inception of the Internet. Here is my blog, one website, where I recommend visiting a variety of other websites to check out, that in turn, take you to even more websites. 

Yes, please do take me to another useless website and further distract me from what I should really be doing. Thankss.....


Having trouble over when exactly you should wake up? Want a calculator that identifies a restful night?
This website is the place to be for you. (Haha, I sound like a real estate agent...)


This site provides free e-books, may be useful for the studious individual...


For the very unimaginative man that simply cannot come up with an idea on his own.


Reminds me of (another interactive website that I wrote a blog about a really long time ago)...this may be interesting for the crafty person who likes procrastinating by drawing/painting or other such artsy activities. 

I could go on but I simply thought that if I was procrastinating (as I am now) that I should try to be productive and/or helpful to myself and others and suggest ideas to other individuals who may be procrastinating too as they read this blog. 

L. ;) 


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