Friday, May 2, 2014

Ridiculous Wearable Technology

I have always been one to never judge a person's creation, simply out of respect. However that does not go without saying that I am not left feeling confused, bewildered, or creeped out by the numerous creations that have been invented by tech-savvy individuals. There is a place and time for everything, but when it concerns an object, or piece of clothing that I must wear then all the circumstances change.


I have gathered a variety of interesting yet quite ridiculous inventions intended for the woman or man like myself to wear.

This may seem extremely useful and/or intriguing to the individual who is simply crazy about music or involved in some sort of band or what not.

What do you think? Would you like to walk around the park and tap on your skinny jeans simultaneously creating music as you do?

2) Sproutling - the fitness tracker for babies

Think of it, the baby is just born, barely able to walk yet but you are worried about the chubbiness of your baby's legs...(I know it's natural but for this case let's assume you are worried).

He or she may now go and order a Sproutling for their newborn to track their baby's everyday fitness regime. Imagine all that time and effort trying to teach your baby various yoga or pilates exercises is now wasted for Sproutling can obviously do the job? Right?

But apparently it is to detect the newborn's breathing patterns, movements throughout the house, and so on...

For more information on Sproutling go to -->

Nevertheless, what is the meaning of 'wearable technology?' Should it be renamed to 'sensible wearable technology?' What renders something successful in its ability to be helpful to the individual? Many questions posed for much expected unanswered replies.

It is not hard to find hundreds of sites talking about the 'marvellousness, ridiculousness, recklessness' of so many different types of wearable technology. Same with how there are so many different discussions and debates circling around the topic that people are just not interested in wearable technology right now.

I, if I am to be totally honest, feel quite indifferent about the concept but if something out there is released that I feel may genuinely aid me in whatever I am doing then I will gladly pay for it. Otherwise, keep the inventions coming.

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