Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Evolution of the Home

Let's meet Stan. Stan wakes up in the morning, takes a shower, turns on the television that automatically presents him with his favorite news channel, and then heads into the kitchen. He makes his toast, his coffee, but wait where is the milk? So Stan walks over to the fridge and realises that his beloved skimmed milk is nowhere to be seen. Neither is his beloved butter for the toast nor is his much needed box of organic eggs for his daily quiche. He didn't know that all these ingredients were missing when he went out to the store yesterday and currently he feels to lazy to make the trip.

But what if yesterday, prior to going out to the store, Stan had a remote or some sort of device that told him exactly what ingredients were in refrigerator, and upon typing out a recipe, that same device told him what ingredients he needed. Wouldn't that be convenient?

"Take a washing machine, for example. A 20-year-old model will function fairly similarly to its modern counterpart: It gets clothes clean. Compare that to, say, the cellphone, a crowded technological landscape obsessed with making the Next Big Thing,

"Legacy home appliance companies are the old guards of the technology world: respectable businesses with reliable products everybody needs."

The question that stands now is do we want these new, convenient, technological advancements? Or, do we want to stay as we are with our safe, reliable, legacy companies that have provided our families with what we need for decades?

Are we willing to consider trade-offs? Would we be afraid of the general population gaining weight as a result of the increased laziness that would arise as a result of this new technology? I don't know. 

Personally, I would love it if before I got out of bed every morning, I could lean over to my phone and have it send some sort of message to my coffee machine that said, "make me a vanilla and caramel coffee with no milk and no sugar." 

